Interested in becoming a family to a child in need?
In Los Angeles County alone, the foster care population exceeds 21,000 children with 500 of those foster children waiting for an adoptive family. Many of these children are siblings in need of resource families who are willing and able to keep them together. In fact, Children’s Bureau turns away at least 10 sibling sets weekly due to lack of families.
Help local at-risk kids stay in their communities and with their siblings by becoming a resource parent. To learn more about what it takes to foster or foster-adopt a child in need, complete the form below. A Children’s Bureau team member will contact you within 48 business hours.
Due to COVID-19, all information meetings are now held virtually. You can join one of our virtual group information sessions hosted by a Children’s Bureau team member (via Zoom). These are held monthly from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM PST. You can state your interest in attending a session in the form below.
If you would like to make a donation to FosterMore, click here.