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Half of Foster Parents Quit After One Year. We Know How to Stop It.

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If you’ve been a foster parent in the past and decided to stop for one reason or another, you are not alone! Research indicates that, depending on the state, 30% to 50% of foster families quit within their first year. Here are two of the most common reasons parents stop fostering:

  1. Training. One of the most common reasons qualified foster parents walk away is because they feel ill equipped to deal with challenges they face, especially when older children are introduced into the home. That’s what we offer: a comprehensive, trauma-informed training that can give you the tools you need. All of our trainers are either adoptive parents of older kids or survivors of foster care who can talk about their experiences to help to prepare you to deal with any situation.
  2. Support. When parents don’t feel supported, they can’t support the kids in their homes. We offer therapeutic personalized support to all our families. Just as we ask parents to make an unconditional commitment, we make a commitment to stick with our families and offer guidance and support for as long as they need. In some cases, this means years after adoption.

With 400,000 kids in the foster care system, we can’t afford to keep losing qualified, loving parents. We invite those who’ve left to return because we can offer concrete solutions to the issues that drove some of the best parents away. We want the chance to show you how your experience can be completely different and rewarding. There is no pressure and no rushing you; we want you to know that there is a different way to fulfill your dream of becoming a parent.

Whether you’ve started parent training and left, become a foster parent and quit, or wanted to adopt and it fell through, help you to have a more positive outcome for both you and kids in foster care. 

We know what you’ve gone through because most of our staff has either grown up in foster care or become parents through foster adoption. To learn more, visit our page.