When a Wendy’s Wonderful Kids recruiter first met Lucy, she was a very quiet, reserved and traumatized little girl who did not understand why her mother did not want her, how to deal with her father’s death, and why she could not stay with her grandparents. The recruiter’s work with Lucy included helping her understand why they were looking for an adoptive family, and to prepare her to move from her grandparents home (who did not feel they could adopt her), into an permanent adoptive family home.
The recruiter had worked with the adoptive family when they inquired on another child on the caseload, for whom they were not a match. When Lucy was added to the caseload, the recruiter thought they would be a good match and contacted them. Ross and Ally and two other families were eventually chosen by the adoption team to meet Lucy, then a selection committee was held and they were unanimously chosen. Lucy chose them as well, even after visiting three families, indicating that she wanted them to be her mom and dad, and their son, Craig, to be her big brother.