Real Stories

Mary Lee’s story

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Mary Lee’s uplifting story exemplifies the positive and productive lives that youth in foster care can lead.  Her story shows that children in foster care can succeed just like anyone else, and that foster care didn’t define her, just as it doesn’t define any of the 400,000 children in foster care in the United States. She worked hard to pursue her dreams, which led her to completing law school and finding a meaningful career. She has used her experience to become an advocate for foster care and FosterMore, spreading awareness of the incredible potential of children in foster care and giving Americans the opportunity to make a difference through fostering, adopting or mentoring. The music that plays during the video of Mary Lee’s story, One Direction’s hit song “Story of My Life,” was generously licensed to FosterMore for free by the band. FosterMore is proud to share Mary Lee’s story as just one example of what children in foster care can achieve if given the chance.